How often do you gift yourself with a moment to check in and feel? Try it now.

Sit with a relatively tall posture and your feet firmly on the ground. Close your eyes. Relax your jaw. Enjoy a slow, deep inhale through your nose and sigh out your exhale. Do this twice more. Now, as you inhale, raise your arms overhead and, as you exhale, lower them down. Do this twice more.

Notice how you feel.

The Karma Class call this Rising Sun Breath – just a few deep breaths with some simple mindful movements can change your energy, your mood, your focus.

This is what Beth Borowsky, founder of The Karma Class, is advocating for every pre and primary classroom. Their suite of programs and products are educationally designed to support teachers to bring calm into the classroom, build resilience, and reduce stress and anxiety in both kids and teachers through yoga-based movement, breath and mindfulness.

Pre Covid-19, research showed that approximately 1 in 7 Australian children experience a mental health disorderand half of these mental health issues begin before the age of 14. Since Covid-19, statistics from Lifeline show mental health struggles are on the rise, with a 25% increase in calls for the same period last year – the equivalent of one call every 30 seconds.

Emerging as a looming crisis is the strain on parents, families and children of all ages. 

As a response, The Karma Class are bringing health and wellbeing into Australian homes too with their Karma Home Activity Cards which are designed to help parents support their children’s social, emotional and physical wellbeing within a calm, compassionate and caring home.

“It’s a wellbeing toolkit for the whole family, inspired by the gifts of yoga, breath and mindfulness, and created to meet the needs of every age and every stage. They’re also simple to use and beautifully designed,” says Beth.

For more information, contact

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